HubDB & Hubl: Filter select option in hubdb_table_rows using column_name

CR Rollyson
Nov 2, 2020


No long story. Your hubdb has a select option and you would like to filter by one of the options. Use the Column name field (mind the underscores) and choose the select option you want to filter (mind the Case Sensitivity)

{% for row in hubdb_table_rows('hubdb_table_name', 'content_type=Podcast') %}{{ row }}{% endfor %}
HubDB Screenshot showing column edit view Column name and Select options case sensitivity
HubDB Screenshot showing available column select options

Good luck √ Hope this helps + Pass it on

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CR Rollyson is a Digital User Experience & Web Manager for a S&P 500 Fintech company and is the COO of Side Role, a marketing team in Charlotte North Carolina partnering with In-house Teams & Agencies, Non-profits, and Start-Ups. Learn more about Side Role here.



CR Rollyson

UX & Web mgr for a S&P 500 Fintech & COO of Side Role, a marketing team partnering w In-house Teams & Agencies, Non-profits, & Start-Ups.