Manage Templates in CharityEngine | Organization

CR Rollyson
2 min readFeb 11, 2021


Managing templates in most email platforms is fairly straightforward. CharityEngine’s GUI path to managing templates requires a few more hoops. Having few clients who work within CharityEngine & fairly infrequently, I found it helpful to create a reference with CharityEngine’s currently limited platform documentation.

Manage templates by following this path:

  1. In the left side navigation, click the “Quick Links” dropdown to show the mega nav menu, click the “APPS” tab, and finally click the “Configuration” link
  2. In the Campaigns card in the configuration view, click the “Message Templates” link
  3. This brings up the Design Templates view and the list of all active email templates.
  4. In the templates data table, edit a template by clicking the ellipsis (…) in the “actions” column
CharityEngine UI Is Confusing As Shit — medium — post — crrollyson
Configuration View | CharityEngine | UI
CharityEngine UI Is Confusing As Shit 2 — medium — post — crrollyson
Design Template View | CharityEngine | UI

If you have additional CharityEngine tips, shortcuts, or tricks to share leave a comment and a link. I would love to read them.

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CR Rollyson is a Digital User Experience & Web Manager for a S&P 500 Fintech company and is the COO of Side Role, a marketing team in Charlotte North Carolina partnering with In-house Teams & Agencies, Non-profits, and Start-Ups. Learn more about Side Role here.



CR Rollyson

UX & Web mgr for a S&P 500 Fintech & COO of Side Role, a marketing team partnering w In-house Teams & Agencies, Non-profits, & Start-Ups.