Fix Rel=0 YouTube iFrame Embed When Video Ends | YouTube Player API Code Copy
Things we know:
no longer works as a YouTube parameter, so random “related videos” show up when a video completes- having related videos that are not related to the video or from a different source is typically the worst
- there is a non-hack fix, so fix it
YouTube’s API Event Player Object:
YouTube’s API has an Events Player Object with an “onPlayerStateChange
” method (a method is a named function that belongs to an object).
The onPlayerStateChange
event fires every time player action happens, including buffering. The event mapping looks like this:
Buffering: 3
Cued: 5
Ended: 0
Paused: 1
Unstarted: -1
In your code (assuming your method parameter is named event), you can check against the corresponding code like this:
At the time of writing (March 2020), the parameters
being swapped are as follows:
| the youtube api embedded
| the initial display div (poster image and play button) that triggers the youtube api to call the corresponding video
View It In Action:
View in use on my site here:
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CR Rollyson is a Digital User Experience & Web Manager for a S&P 500 Fintech company and is the COO of Side Role, a marketing team in Charlotte North Carolina partnering with In-house Teams & Agencies, Non-profits, and Start-Ups. Learn more about Side Role here.